Posts Categorized: Member Resources and Links

Invitation to Online Forum on Literacy Competency Standards

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites MLA members to attend one of three open online forums on revising its Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. An ACRL task force is now working on a new approach that underscores the need for faculty members and librarians to collaborate on information-literacy education that… Read more »

Roundtable on the MLA and the Humanities at Columbia University

The Columbia University Maison Française will hold a roundtable discussion, “The Humanities and the MLA Today,” on Monday, 21 October, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the East Gallery, Buell Hall, on the Columbia campus. Participating in the roundtable will be Marianne Hirsch, 2013 MLA president; Mary Louise Pratt, former MLA president; Simon Gikandi, PMLA editor; Pierre Force, dean of… Read more »

Propose an Essay for an MLA Volume

Two new volumes in the Approaches series, one on Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home and one on the works of Gertrude Stein, are now in development. You are invited to complete one or both surveys about your teaching needs and practices and to submit essay proposals for these volumes here.

New MLA Publication Prize

The MLA Committee on Honors and Awards invites authors and editors to compete for the inaugural Modern Language Association Prize in Native American Literatures, Cultures, and Languages. Established in 2012, the prize is awarded to a member of the association for an outstanding scholarly work in the field of Native American literatures, cultures, and languages…. Read more »

MLA Receives Planning Grant for Next Phase of MLA Commons

The MLA is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $40,500 planning grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to begin the second phase of development of the association’s scholarly communication platform, MLA Commons. With support from the Mellon Foundation, the MLA will lead in the creation of Humanities Commons, a federated network… Read more »

PMLA Special Topic: Literature in the World

The PMLA Editorial Board invites essays on literature in a diverse and multilingual world. The special issue will seek to provide a critical reflection on the diversity of both dominant and less-taught languages and of their spheres of use, to engage with the vernacular and the indigenous as critical categories, and to consider conceptual or… Read more »

Support the NEH and Other Federal Programs

In September the House Appropriations Committee will consider significant cuts to the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other programs valued by MLA members. As Congress continues to shape the federal budget for fiscal year 2014, we encourage you to monitor the funding of humanities programs and institutions at the National… Read more »

Suggesting Nominees for the 2014 Division and Discussion Group Elections

When the executive committees of the MLA’s divisions and discussion groups meet during the January 2014 convention in Chicago, they will take up the matter of nominations for the executive committee elections that will be held in fall 2014. Though the executive committees are responsible for making nominations, they are required to nominate at least… Read more »

Competing for 2013 Publication Prize in Italian Literary Studies

The MLA Committee on Honors and Awards invites authors to compete for the association’s Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Publication Award for a Manuscript in Italian Literary Studies. The prize, which has a 1 August deadline, is open to manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by not-for-profit presses that are members of the Association of… Read more »