Posts Categorized: Feature

Contribute to an MLA Options for Teaching Volume on Afro-Brazilian Literature in a Diasporic Context

The volume Options for Teaching Afro-Brazilian Literature in a Diasporic Context, edited by Cristina Ferreira Pinto-Bailey and Paulo Dutra, is now in development in the MLA Options for Teaching series. To learn more about the volume and how to propose an essay, please visit the MLA website. Please send abstracts and CVs to the editors by… Read more »

Resources for Humanities Professionals in Response to the Invasion of Ukraine

The MLA has collected resources shared by its members and by members of the ADE and ADFL communities in response to the invasion of Ukraine. We encourage you to help us develop this list of events, teaching materials, and other resources by sending your suggestions to Lydia Tang, the MLA’s head of world language programs.