Congratulations to the eleven MLA members among the winners of the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships announced in April 2019. The projects recognized include a deep history of cybernetics, an exploration of United States history through the prism of the high school canon, the temporalities of ice in an epoch of climate change, and Japanese culture during the Cold War era, among others.
Rachel Adams, Columbia University
Field of study: literary criticism
Branka Arsić, Columbia University
Field of study: American literature
Hester Blum, Penn State University, University Park
Field of study: geography and environmental studies
Michael K. Bourdaghs, University of Chicago
Field of study: East Asian studies
Michael W. Clune, Case Western Reserve University
Field of study: literary criticism
Alexander R. Galloway, New York University
Field of study: film, video, and new media studies
Marjorie Garber, Harvard University
Field of study: English literature
Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, University of California, Davis
Field of study: English literature
Andrew Newman, Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Field of study: education
Gerard Passannante, University of Maryland, College Park
Field of study: medieval and Renaissance literature
John Durham Peters, Yale University
Field of study: film, video, and new media studies