At this year’s MLA convention in Austin, the editors of Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers, demonstrated the project’s innovative platform to an enthusiastic crowd. Now, they invite you to continue the conversation by participating in the open peer-review process of their anthology. The third set of curated keywords will be open for comment until 22 February 2016, and the deadline for the second set has been extended to 31 January 2016.
Each entry in the collection focuses on a keyword in the practice of digital pedagogy (ranging from “play” to “collaboration” to “design”) and includes pedagogical artifacts, such as syllabi, exercises, lesson plans, and student work. New keywords will be added in batches throughout 2016, and the final project will include fifty keywords.