MLA International Bibliography Launches ORCID App

The MLA International Bibliography is pleased to announce the launch of MLA BibLink, a new application that enables authors to associate their works listed in the bibliography with a unique author identification number from ORCID. MLA BibLink allows you to search the MLA Bibliography for your publications, including works you’ve published under variant names, and in one click link them to your ORCID identifier to create a digital record of your scholarship. If you’ve already created an ORCID profile, any alternative names you’ve included there will be prepopulated in an MLA BibLink search. Haven’t created an ORCID profile yet? You can register for one from the MLA BibLink welcome page and immediately start adding works.

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News: MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography Launches ORCID App | Laurie N. Taylor

[…] a new application that enables authors to associate their works listed in the bibliography with a unique author identification number from ORCID. MLA BibLink allows you to search the MLA Bibliography for your publications, including works you’ve published under variant names, and in one click link them to your ORCID identifier to create a digital record of your scholarship. If you’ve already created an ORCID profile, any alternative names you’ve included there will be prepopulated in an MLA BibLink search. Haven’t created an ORCID profile yet? You can register for one from the MLA BibLink welcome page and immediately start adding works. (MLA News) […]

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