Contribute to New MLA Volumes

You are invited to submit essay proposals for two new volumes in development: Teaching Economics and American Literatureedited by Katharine A. Burnett and Amy K. King, in the Options for Teaching series, and the nonseries volume Interventions: Asian American Rhetorical Activity across Time and Space, edited by Amy J. Wan and Morris Young. Proposals for both volumes must be submitted to their respective editors by 1 November 2021.

Instructors are encouraged to share their teaching experience by completing surveys for the following volumes currently in development in the Approaches to Teaching World Literature series: Approaches to Teaching the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell, edited by Deirdre d’Albertis and Deborah Denenholz Morse; Approaches to Teaching Medieval English Drama, edited by Emma Lipton and John Sebastian; and Approaches to Teaching Strange Tales from Liaozhai, edited by Rania Huntington. Information about proposing an essay is available at the end of each survey. Survey responses and essay proposals are due 1 November 2021.