Major Changes in the MLA’s Resolution Process

The recent ratification of constitutional amendments affecting the association’s resolution process has brought the following major changes, which are intended to increase the effectiveness of resolutions as tools for public advocacy and to provide additional opportunities for member input: the submission deadline is now 1 September, one hundred supporting signatures from current members are required as an initial show of membership support for the resolution, and emergency resolutions have been eliminated to ensure that all resolutions and the facts on which they are based can be fully vetted. In addition, the Executive Council’s fiduciary review of resolutions will now precede the Delegate Assembly meeting, and resolutions approved by the assembly will be submitted directly to the membership for a ratification vote. These changes are reflected not only in the constitution (see articles 7.B.3, 9.C.10, and 11.C.3–7) but also in the documents at the Web site that describe the resolution process (see Motions and Resolutions, Preparing Resolutions for the Delegate Assembly, and Checklist for Submitting Resolutions). Members who have questions about these changes should write to the coordinator of governance (