Voting on the 2019 ratification ballot concluded at midnight (EDT) on 15 May. Members ratified the election of César Aira; Tahar ben Jelloun; Samuel R. Delany, Jr.; Gish Jen; Elias Khoury; Claudia Rankine; and J. K. Rowling to honorary fellowship in the association. Support for the candidates ranged from 84% to 97% of the members who voted in that section of the ballot. All seven candidates will be invited to accept the honor.
Members also ratified the 2019 Delegate Assembly’s approval of three multipart constitutional amendments that, taken together, clarify the scope of and the distinction between motions and resolutions and provide for changes in the association’s resolution process recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee on Advocacy Policies and Procedures. Support for the amendments ranged from 93% to 95% of the members who voted in that section of the ballot. The amendments, which take immediate effect, have been incorporated into the text of the constitution at the Web site. Members should note that the submission deadline for motions and resolutions to be considered by the Delegate Assembly is now 1 September, that resolutions must garner one hundred supporting signatures, and that emergency resolutions have been eliminated.