Monthly Archives: January 2016

Competing for 2016 Publication Prizes

The MLA Committee on Honors and Awards invites authors and editors to compete for the association’s 2016 publication awards. In addition to the James Russell Lowell Prize and the MLA Prize for a First Book, which have a 1 March deadline, seven annual and sixteen biennial MLA prizes honor outstanding work in languages, literatures, interdisciplinary… Read more »

Participate in the open peer review of Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities

At this year’s MLA convention in Austin, the editors of Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers, demonstrated the project’s innovative platform to an enthusiastic crowd. Now, they invite you to continue the conversation by participating in the open peer-review process of… Read more »

Call for Papers for Joint ADE and ADFL Bulletins

We invite papers for a special joint issue of the ADE and ADFL bulletins on literary studies and globalization. We are especially interested in papers that address institutional structures separating faculties and departments of English from those of foreign languages and literatures, as well as reflections on and models for how these departments might collaborate…. Read more »

Delegate Assembly Update

At its meeting on 9 January in Austin, the MLA Delegate Assembly conducted elections for the Delegate Assembly Organizing Committee, the Executive Council, the Nominating Committee, and the Elections Committee. The assembly approved a motion to dedicate one slot on the MLA Executive Council to a part-time faculty member. The assembly also took up several… Read more »