MLA members are invited to suggest candidates to serve as editor of PMLA. The term of the current editor, Simon Gikandi, ends in June 2016. The Executive Council subcommittee leading the search is seeking candidates who possess
- A wide range of intellectual interests, including a commitment to a variety of scholarly approaches and an understanding of more than one language
- An awareness of contemporary literary scholarship and critical methods and an openness to new technologies and methodologies
- An ability to work within the structure of the MLA and PMLA, including a commitment to the principles guiding current editorial policy and a recognition of the journal as the organ of a large membership organization reflecting diverse scholarly and critical views
- Past experience with PMLA (as author, referee, Advisory Committee member, or Editorial Board member) or substantial editorial experience with another scholarly journal in the field
To suggest a candidate to the subcommittee, please write to Judy Goulding by 15 July 2015.