Be the Two-Thousandth Member of MLA Commons

Since MLA Commons launched in January, nearly two thousand MLA members have logged in to the network to create their profile, join groups related to their interests, start blogs, and much more. To celebrate, we’re awarding an iPad mini to the two-thousandth person to log in and create a profile. If you haven’t yet explored what you can do on the Commons, we invite you to log in with your MLA credentials, update your profile with a photo and description of your interests, and take a video tour of the site. We look forward to seeing you there!


Arsenio Rey-Tejerina

Hi, being retired and on the sunny eastern of Spain, things are warmy & slow around here but … once in a while my old allegiance to the MLA stirs me up and want to get back into the melée, like right now participating in this 2000.
I´m about to reach 80 and think of my demise, how could i notify the In memoriam listing? better not to think about it too much!

UPKeep the faith (TEACHING)
and fight the bureaucracy of the US universities.

Sharon Marcus

I’m looking forward to becoming an MLA Commoner.

Barbara Hamm

Good Idea. I’ll need very specific instructions for how to get into and navigate the site!

Muriel Farley Dominguez

I look forward to participating in the MLA Commons.

Angela Belli

There’s nothing common about the MLA Commons!

Joshua Beall

And all this time I was trying to rise above commoner status.

Mala Renganathan

This is a good move. Please guide us how to.

Edith Benkov

How did I miss this? Thank you for reminding us,

Sonny San Juan

“Commons” brings up enclosures, overt or covert. Do we have a choice?

Catherine Carey

This will be a helpful site for those of us who work at universities in developing countries.

Catharine Carey

Mary Benson

This should be very helpful! Good Luck with it.

George Scheper

Yes, I’ve always been a commoner, but I now look forward to being an MLA Commoner

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