Monthly Archives: December 2012

MLA Election Results

Balloting in the 2012 elections for second vice president, the Executive Council, the Delegate Assembly, and the division and discussion group executive committees closed on 10 December. Roland Greene was elected second vice president, and Alicia M. de la Torre Falzon, Donald E. Hall, and Paula M. Krebs were elected to the Executive Council for… Read more »

Mobile Convention Program

The Program for the 2013 MLA Annual Convention is now available in a version optimized for mobile devices. Users can search the mobile Program by keyword or subject as well as browse sessions by day, participant, location, and event type; view a map of the convention area; and find general convention information. The mobile Program… Read more »

MLA President on Reforming Graduate Studies

In a speech to the Council of Graduate Schools, MLA President Michael Bérubé articulated the importance of reforming graduate programs in the humanities and acknowledged the hurdles that must be overcome. Despite the challenges, reports Inside Higher Ed, Bérubé affirmed the value of graduate education in the humanities and its continuing vitality.

2012 Prizewinners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of the 2012 MLA publication prize competitions. The publication prizes will be awarded in a ceremony on 5 January at the 2013 MLA Annual Convention in Boston. The ceremony is open to the public and will be followed by a reception.